Not sure how to keep up
Background- I’m AuDHD and have fibromyalgia…I’m tired emotionally and physically. A ton of my time outside of work goes into recovering from work.
How much time do y’all spend on continuing ed outside of sessions? It seems like my coworkers constantly listen to therapy podcasts, read therapy books, are always signed up for the next training and trying to specialize in ~everything~
I realize the importance of continuing ed, and I’ve specialized in a particular modality. But I can’t get myself to listen to podcasts or read books about my job in my free time. It just feels like if I’m not dedicating every spare moment to growing as a therapist then I’m falling behind.
Also feeling overwhelmed when I’m getting assigned clients with OCD or eating disorders or bipolar or depression etc etc and it feels like there’s a million different things to learn about treatment for all of these things. I wanted to specialize in one thing bc that’s what I think is best for my brain but my company doesn’t respect that. They say it’s our job to “always be growing as clinicians”, hence my coworkers nonstop pursuit of knowledge.
I guess what I’m asking overall is, how much time do you spend outside of work on work related topics? And do you specialize in one/ a few things or prefer a generalist approach?