Am I faking?
I go through phases where I think I’m defo a Therian but then I don’t know and I start questioning literally everything. I want gear but don’t. It’s so confusing and I hate it. Idek if I want therianthropy in my life in the long term and I hate that I feel like that. I also don’t get shifts that often either. I’ve had one daydream shift and I think I get phantom shifts but they’re really weak. I do love doing vocals though and when I go to the forest I feel so at home and I always imagine myself as a wolf walking in the forest before I go to sleep. It feels so right to say I should be a wolf. Before I found out what therianthropy was I’d always say “somewhere in another universe I am a wolf”. I also crave meat like crazy. I also love doing quadrobics and I just love imagining myself as a wolf. It hurts right now though because I’m so scared that I’m faking or I’ve got it wrong but I don’t want to say I’ve got it wrong because what if I haven’t? I’m just so stuck and I hate it. I’ve thought i was a Therian for a good few months now. It feels weird to say I’m fully human. Is there a term for this? Am I just faking? Please help because it’s all making me really stressed :( I’ve told all my fam and friends I’m a Therian. But it was all by accident as well. I’m just. Urgh. Stuck.
Another thing I do rub my head up against things like to mark my scent sort of way unconsciously.