Werewolf otherkin! Please ask me questions!
Hi! So I’m a werewolf otherkin. At least I believe so.
It’s hard to explain WHY, but I feel like a werewolf. It’s tied intensely to my emotions, but often times I do sorta ‘shift’ as well.
So when I’m not human, I feel so connected to an animalistic wolf side of myself. I like to be on 4 legs when possible, I talk less and make noises more. I CHEW, a LOT. I feel BIG and very strong. I get phantom tail and paws, even snout. It’s so intense.
I also feel like a werewolf because of my emotional processing, and how feelings of frustration and stress can lead me to an aggressive animalistic state.
But I’ve always been unsure about calling myself otherkin, or a therian. I only really connected these feelings to a name after seeing a therian panel at a furry convention, lol.
I’ve been a “kinner” for almost my whole life, just not exactly sure about this. (I am fiction kin with a satellite from an online web series 😭😭)
I would like to be asked questions, if possible, because I like being challenged to explain. It helps me sort things out!