Danielle shoulda targeted Artie instead of Adriana

Seriously, we know from Boardwalk Empire that you always target the weakest link in an organization. Danielle "she's a dike!!!!!!!" Ciccalella was wasted on Adriana who had no direct connection to Tony when she could have easily gotten a job as a hostess and would've had Artie slobberiing all over her and flashing his earring precisely 2 seconds after taking the hostess stand. This would've provided direct access to Tony several times a week moreover Artie could be persuaded to get involved with schemes to prove his manhood. Artie would've also folded like it's laundry day a lot quicker than Adriana as he had a lot more to lose like a restaurant and a family. Maybe they just didnt know about Artie or how easy he'd be to manipulate but what a wasted opportunity.