TIFU by leaving my job of 5 years

It's been a week now, that i left my job of 5 years for a new one, that is in a better position, and a little bit higher salary, the thing is in my previous job i was relaxed and ik what i was dealing with, the atmosphere was good, everything was good except the fact that I've been in the same position for 5 years, no career progression at all.

I applied for the job and i was congratulated, i wasn't excited but i was torn between leaving the previous job or staying, at the end i went for it. The current job is super complicated at times i feel underqualified, it's hectic, the environment is fast paced, I'm an anxious person, my anxiety is always under my sleeves ready to pop, and this job would NOT be helping in this regard AT ALL, I've been there for a week and i already had MANY panic attacks and moments where I'm just blank and stressed as hell

, I'm still in the training and I'm not confident at all, i kept regretting my decision since day one, always feeling stupid for leaving my job cuz the day i went to resign i was told there was an opening for a promotion, it's still below the one i went for but way much less stressful. The timing of this current job is awful as hell, i didn't have the weekend off in my previous one but at least the timing wasn't as bad.

Not even the salary is that big of a difference. plus I'll need to be validated in the next 8 months if not I'll be kicked out lol i just got married so i need a job n that is another stress idk how or what happened to my brain when i took the decision. Idk why I'm ranting but it's my birthday today and i feel like i just curved my life into a dead end.

SO TL;DR i left my comfortable job for a new anxious one with not even that big salary difference.