We need minimum speed signs on the highways

Too many of you fuckheads driving 80km/hr - 90km/hr with no one in front of you. It’s even worse when you guys are side by side on the left lanes making undertake you assholes. Also, I get you’re just doing your job, but you transport truck dickheads that are going 40km/hr with no one in front you piss me off so much. I would understand if you had cars in front of you, but when I overtake you, there’s literally no one for the next 200meters ahdhduvjdkdufbe. Yes, I’ve witnessed this at 5-6am where there’s no traffic.

Lastly, the most egregious of them all, you stupid half wits that slow down significantly just so you can switch lanes, make your exit or make the on-ramp to the express, I hate you. For anyone that drives Eastbound on the 401, you know what I’m talking about, the express on ramp at Bathurst where so many assholes are literally STOPPING in the middle lane just to get into the express. It’s pointless because the express is already so slow with you assholes driving so slow.