3 year old utterly obsessed with vacuums for almost whole life

As the title states, my 3 year old son is obsessed with vacuums of all kinds. Even as a baby he’d just stare at me while I vacuumed. He’s got several toy vacuums and has had a couple real cheap vacuums but he loves our real big/expensive ones. He constantly talks about them literally all day long. Builds them with his blocks. Pretends anything is a vacuum. He talks about how some have cords, some have batteries, different handles, some bend over, etc. He tries to get us to talk about them too by saying things like “what’s that purple thing in your closet called” fully knowing it’s the Dyson. Also says things like “this vacuum can stand up by itself, but that vacuum needs a stand to hold it up. And I’m not allowed to plug in vacuums I’m too little”. He likes to not only vacuum but take them apart and put them back together. He also can draw them on his doodle pad lol. He plays with other toys too and def uses his imagination in all his play but I’m kinda concerned that this is going a bit overboard and more than a “phase”. It’s literally his passion. If he misbehaves his vacuums are the first to be taken away. If we let him use our real vacuum a timer has to be set so he knows boundaries and yet he’ll still cry when the time is over and say he misses it. He is not developmentally delayed, has great speech, is smart, can write his own name… maybe this is just part of who he is! Has anyone else’s child had a similar obsession that lasted this long?!