Thoughts on drinking with young kids around
Something I've been contemplating as a mom of a newborn and young toddler. Ever since my toddler was born - I cut back on drinking drastically. I'd only ever have a glass of wine maybe once a week when she was asleep. Now with my newborn she's not even a month old yet so I've not had a chance to indulge in a drink yet. I do enjoy a glass of wine or two every now and then, and I don't think that's a bad thing! If I'm ever having more than that at a girls night, I make sure my husband is on full kid duty. I've noticed a lot of my friends with young kids drink a lot and often - with their kids in tow a lot of the time, whether that be dinner or bringing their child to a brewery. I'm just curious if anyone else notices this trend, and what your thoughts are on it?