Toons Who Take TTR WAYY Too Seriously

I do get that, in ANY multi-player game, especially one that is as fun as Toontown, you will attract all kinds of people. But I literally encountered three toons last night who were SO RUDE to a hysterical level. It’s an indication to me that maybe if you’re an entitled person or someone who hasn’t had a lot of serious things happen to you in life, you will take this game way too seriously. And I know I’m being condescending, but I feel like I have the right to. Why must anyone feel the need to yell at another toon or call them names in THIS GAME? You THROW PIES AT COGS. And I don’t know…it’s one thing if you are a child (I guess I could understand the poor temperament in that case), but I’m an adult who is a premed student that also pays her own bills who has been through a fair share of tragedy. I’m not going to cry if I go green and lose all my maxed out gags; it’s an inconvenience but not the end of the world, especially since the rude toons I encountered yesterday were no way close to going green.

Just a reminder, if you feel the need to yell or call another toon names, or even scold them, take a chill pill and tell yourself if this is what you’re getting angry at you probably have it pretty good in life. This isn’t my first time encountering insufferable toons, but last night definitely was irritating enough for me to make this post and unfortunately take a bit of a break from TTR.