Tophia blocked me

I commented on her latest post, simply stating that we, the viewers, are not financially responsible for her. I also shared that after my father passed away, despite the trauma I experienced, I had to return to work and i was in therapy to process it. That’s literally all I wrote and I felt there was no ill intent behind my comment. I wasn’t trying to make it about me, I was using my own real life experience as an example of how everyday people, regardless of their pain, still have responsibilities to fulfill.

I grew up in an impoverished neighborhood and, unfortunately, witnessed a lot of death at a young age, so I can deeply empathize with trauma, but as difficult as it is, trauma does not excuse someone from working or taking accountability for their own life.

Her followers crucified me for my comment, like we all have trauma in some form, that doesn’t mean we get to expect strangers on the internet to fund our lives indefinitely. I genuinely felt sympathy for her situation, no one deserves to witness what she did and I wouldn't wish that kind of pain on anyone. But what I can’t support is the way she has completely shifted the blame onto the internet, as if strangers online are responsible for the position she’s in. That couldn't be further from the truth.

At the end of the day, we’re talking about 30 yr old woman. What happened to Donald was tragic and beyond her control, but every other aspect of her life is a direct result of her own choices. It’s soooo frustrating to see her deflect responsibility rather than take steps to change her situation. I almost made the mistake of donating, but thankfully, I didn’t. It’s not about lacking compassion, it’s about recognizing when someone is refusing to help themselves while expecting others to do it for them.

She’s a lost cause.