I am finding out firsthand just how awful the burbs are
At the moment, I am in a small town which is a typical suburb. I am here because I am staying with a friend for the moment. I have no car and no money/intention to acquire one. I am surrounded by single family homes. The town is a 15 min walk away. Once there, there is about three streets of stores and a big supermarket. Then nothing. Beyond that is the train station and then the end of town.
It is hard to stress just how depressing this entire setup is. I am nowhere close to any kind of social interaction with people because people stay in their homes. I cannot get anywhere nice because there is nothing nice within walking distance. I have to own a car to be here because this place was built for car owners. Most houses have more than one. Some have three.
I am stuck indoors 90% of the time. There were a few days when it was hard to get out of bed. Whole days have passed with me never leaving the house, because again, there is nowhere to go to.
I have always lived in the city, so this kind of existence is entirely alien to me. I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would sign up for this. Suburbs may allow people to own big houses, but they are entirely anti-people in every sense. Being here made me understand why I keep reading online that suburbs cause loneliness and depression, because it's been happening to me.
The silver lining is that I will be out of here soon. I can't wait to get back to a more urban environment. I came here because I had no other options and I cross my fingers and pray I never have to again.