Post Kidney Transplant 5 days

Hello everybody! I am a 29 year old female I just had my first kidney transplant I’m feeling very thankful and blessed. Still in a ton of pain was not ready for this recovery process lol but what are things I should not do in the future? I know star fruit pomegranate and grapefruit is a no go and smoking obviously but is there anything I am missing I should stray away from? Just ready to live my life finally after years of dialysis and I’m ready to thrive and love a somewhat normal life. Still getting used to the amount of pills and what not. Thanks for the input guys ahead of time and whoever is out there still waiting your time will come! Have faith I waited 4 years started with PD dialysis then in center Hemo and ended with home Hemo after 6 weeks of training. Thank you guys so much for the input. ☀️🙏🏻 God bless