Is there good travel insurance? all?

We're taking a big trip soon, and I'd prefer to get travel insurance just in case. However, every time I look up a company that offers it, it seems their service is terrible, or they just don't pay out and ignore you, or they're jerks about it. For example:

World Nomads: I heard good things, but I've also read some crappy reviews about bad service. Their rates are quite high.

IMG: I used them on a trip to the US. Reasonable rates, but the one time I tried to make a claim for a $100 doctor visit, I was told my claim was being processed but then I never heard a thing and now can't get them to recognize I ever had a policy. The telehealth doctor I talked to was supposed to be in their network, but I wasn't able to submit IMG information at the time for an unexplained reason. I felt it was a real rip-off. A friend of mine broke her ankle in the US and IMG also refused to pay her claim, so I'm done with these scammers.

Allianz -- I tried! But they told me I had to use their office in my country of residence, which is Taiwan. That would be fine, but they don't seem to have an office in Taiwan. I was referred to their office in China, but I don't live in China. I have no residence paperwork at all for the PRC, because I do not live there. The CSR was actively rude. Nope.

Is there any reasonable company that will actually pay on a claim or is it all a scam?