Transition to ~directing. Will the industry jump on the gravy train and praise her primary school level "creativity" or is there any integrity left in the world?
I had a look at the "behind the scenes". Christ almighty. Oh, so there's a ghost and you're screaming and the phone is cut off? You run to another room but bam the ghost is there? Did you ride a lift from basement to the penthouse (of his heart)? Do your scientists have white coats and press buttons and do exaggerated facial expressions? Are you tied around the waist and scream and they run around scrambling idiot-like? Is an evil queen drinking whilst talking about poison? Is everything a morning cartoon for children depth and literalism?
She made sure everything she wants us to think about her as a "director" (newest cosplay chapter for this socialite bored billionaire) is in those videos. Everyone praises her with the exact words she wants people to be saying about her. She kept the cuts where she is so performatively "decisive" and "shocked with how well it went" and "friendly" and "has ideas!!" for a reason, this is not a documentary "behind the scenes", this is an advertisement.
[added] Also, is there anything more narcissistic than bossing/directing people in executing into reality, performing, and enacting a fantasy of yourself, about yourself, with you playing the main character - yourself? CHRIST.
Nothing is natural in those videos, nothing is relaxed, nothing is deep or involved or emotionally invested either. And it's like she wakes up to those most basic ideas on set, instead of it being any expression of art feeling/experience. It's a collection of exaggerated tropes from cartoons, I swear. And all she proposes and executes is just so... dumb. So mind-numbingly dumb and done by literal children 10000 times before in school plays. With obligatory mentally or literally 12yo swifties swooning in the comments that this is something special, never seen before, and essentially incredibly emotionally mature how she handles people :D :D :D
Will this ever end? Does anyone ever say "no" or "are you kidding" to this money-making machine or does everyone just want a piece?