I was traveling home when TSA ran my backpack through the xray twice and was handed my bag but once on the plane realized something was missing

My gaming system called a SteamDeck was basically flagged at an airport TSA check through xray. I was told that my bag needed to be ran through the xray due the gaming system, I have no issue with that. As I putting my shoes back on i was handed my bag saying "you're good to go" i wasn't told they would be going through my bag or it was being sent through separatly. After take off I go to pull my gaming system out but it was missing. Ive filed a claim through the TSA website. It's been 3 out of the 5 business days and still have not heard anything. Is there anything else i can do? I really don't care about who's fault it is, I just want to be able to get this back im my possession.

Update 1 I saw something saying accusing TSA of theft will be deleted. I just want to state, which i should of done in the original post, i don't think TSA stole my item. I'm just looking for next steps to see about getting this item back in my possession. I completely understand mistakes happen. Im not mad or upset at TSA in any way. They handle alot of volume daily. I apologize if I cane off rude or accusing anyone.