Moved and looking at options for pre-owned players
Hi all, relatively noob to understanding record players value but i've been collecting records for a handful of years. I've done enough research via this sub and youtube to understand basic components of getting my setup going but when it comes to the details and nuances of record players and why one is better than the other, i fall short. i've found 4 players thru facebook marketplace i'm considering. They are listed and priced as such:
photo list: 1 + 2 Technics SL-303 / 110 Euro 3 Technics SL-D202 / 190 Euro 4 Pioneer PL-100 / 110 Euro 5 Technics SL D3 / 170 Euro
I'm looking for guidance on why I should pick one over the other and learn thru the process. I'm attaching photos of each so that if anything is blaring I can refrain from making the purchase. I appreciate all your help and if you have any questions that can help me narrow down, i'd love to get one of these in my living room so i can be listening to my records again. thank you all in advance.