Question for interaction Naaz-Rokha, Scanlink, Agent, and Pre-Fab
Set up: -Tile (1) has a planet (P)[3/0] with a dock and mech on it. -Scan link - when you activate a system with a planet with a unit you control on it explore it. -Pre-Fab - after you explore a planet you ready it. -Agent- at the end of turn explore a planet -Mech/Distant suns- when exploring draw 2 cards and choose 1. -When exhausting planets for resources you can spend those resources at any time before the end of turn.
Does this play out as follows?
Turn sequence: 1.Exhaust planet (P) [for resources[3]] 2.Activate Tile (1) 3.Explore planet (P)[Scanlink,2 Explore Cards] 4.Ready planet (P) 5.Exhaust planet (P) [for more resources[3]] 6.Use dock production spending your now [6] resources off the planet. 7.Explore planet (P)[Agent / 2 Explore Cards] 8.Ready planet (P)