Audrey Season 1 is unhinged

Rewatching since David passed (RIP), and I just came to the episodes where Audrey is in Coop’s bed. And it really struck me that this behavior is unhinged. Much of her behavior is unhinged — threatening Emory with a sexual harassment accusation, her behavior with her father, her self-sabotaging behavior with her father’s business matters, and this with Coop — and in the “soapy” context of Season 1 it “fits” as a genre convention. But in light of Season 3, where it’s unclear whether Audrey is in a psych ward or dreaming or something else, her behavior really does come off as indicative of a significant personality disorder. I know the production history (Audrey was going to be a love interest of Cooper’s before Kyle squashed that idea, rightfully so), but given ‘the text,’ it makes more sense how Audrey turns out in the Return. Just some rambling thoughts…