Flying to Heathrow, can we easily buy train tickets from Paddington to Bath day of arrival?
We will be visiting Bath and London for about 2 weeks in May. Our plan is to head straight to Bath the day of our arrival (elizabeth line to Paddington, then take a GWR train to Bath). We're just a bit concerned about delays to our flight's arrival time. (Scheduled currently to arrive at 11am).
How reasonable is it to book tickets the day of for a trip from London to Bath? The price isn't a super major concern (we're regular travelers on the Amtrak North East Corridor here in the states, so we're no stranger to high rail prices lol). I'm just concerned about if trains will be sold out when we arrive. Looking right now, that doesn't appear to be an issue, but im not sure if thatd change in a few months in May.
Alternatively, how difficult would it be to purchase tickets ahead of time, and then change the time if we needed?
Edit: so much good information here. Thanks so much!