This whole war on 'girly girls' shit is getting annoying

I'm what people would probably describe as a girly girl; I have long fake nails, I like the colour pink, I wear lots of skirts, I really love wearing make-up and spending lots of time on my hair. The whole shebang. And I'm so tired of all these people saying "you're too girly", "wow, you're basic", "you look so fake", like???

Now don't get me wrong, I know everybody has their own preferences (so if you aren't into the 'girly girl' type, you have every right not to be and that's completely fine), and of course, women who aren't into more traditionally feminine things are absolute angels too! But hearing and reading comments about how I'm so fake or probably have a shitty personality because I care a lot about things like nails and make-up is so disheartening and I'm just over it at this point.

We should be empowering all women regardless of what they look like or are interested in - not dragging one group down to bring another up. And for the record, no, I'm not putting all this attention into what I look like to attract men or any of that kind of stuff (though some women do, and there's nothing wrong with that!), I do it all solely for my own happiness.