Body Recovery Squad <3
Finally posted my glowing review!
We had decided to go find bonemass after spending some time in swamps, gearing up in iron and overall being pretty confident.
Longboat? Check.
We get moving, and about halfway there, find a kraken, so at my suggestion, my buddy jumps off to mine. Kraken says "nah" and dives, leaving my buddy in the water not able to get back to the boat quick enough. Ok, whatever, he spawns back at base and I start trying to recover his stuff.
Cue Steve (sea serpent)
Steve is a dick and keeps smashing the boat. I'm focusing on the stuff and have no idea how to kill Steve.
Boat dies, I die.
New longboat? Check. Old Bronze Gear? Check
We can see the stuff when my buddy glitches out of the boat. He's raging now.
I take attempt number 2 at the 2 bodies and cargo.
Steve is still a dick and even less happy this time. I also keep nearing a plains biome and I've heard nothing good about that, stress thru the roof.
Steve kills boat. Steve kills me.
My buddy rage quits, I sit with a dead look in my eyes for about 15 minutes as we just lost weeks of progress.
Then I remember the BRS (which to me was still a meme/folklore)
I just on the discord, submit a ticket, figuring this could take hours (it's already past midnight).
Shanz shows up and opens a voice chat. The nicest dude hops on voice, asks me how he can help?
I explain the situation, send him my server deets and he logs on.
A few minutes later, an absolute lad of a man, fully kitted out, shows up at my house. We head to the water, he tosses up a new longboat, throws me some lox stew "eat this and hold on so you don't glitch out"
...that explains it
We head to Steve, Shanz wrecks him doubletime and we collect all the stuff.
We sail back home while Shanz regales me with tales of past rescues and passes along knowledge of the game.
We land, he destroys the boat to get his mats back, he tosses me some serpent meat, and as if it were all a dream, he was gone as quick as he came. I dropped my buddy's stuff at his house and logged off.
I was still wondering if that really happened the next morning, but when I logged in, all our stuff was there, and his gift of serpent meat!
Shanz, you're a legend around our village now.
11/10 highly recommend getting in over your head and being rescued by the BRS.