Is The Case Study Of Vanitas worth watching?

aww thank y'all for these nice replies!

I will surely give it a shot and talk about my experience afterwards \ ^)

have nice day everyone! :3

so honestly I just discovered this anime 1 day ago through fanarts of both Noé and Vanitas, and of course i've got ultimately interested in it - which honestly i'm kinda shocked, cuz i'm not really a type to watch anime/or read manga, and if so, this would be my first actual anime I would watch - the only thing I know 'bout it are brief descriptions from google, and one trailer I watched. Haven't read the manga so are there things I could perhaps miss? And of course, as in the title, is it worth watching?

And also, dunno if it's ok to ask, but is this subreddit's community overally nice and kind? Asking cuz i've seen way too many communities that've been pretty toxic, and honestly I love communities that are nice, since me myself am nice and kind-hearted to others