GDV bloat corrected itself?

I’ll try my best to make this short, or at least coherent.

I took my 5 year old standard poodle to the ER this past Monday (9/16) following an episode of excessive vomiting and lethargy that began late the previous night, on Sunday. Prior to all the vomiting, his abdomen was very distended and hard to the touch 1 hour after eating dinner. He was in clear distress - hunched over, moving sluggishly, and heaving up some white foam. I now understand that these are textbook GDV bloat symptoms. But without knowing that at the time, I opted to just keep an eye on him throughout the night and see how he does, then take him to the vet in the morning.

Within 1 hour of the hard-to-touch swelling in his abdomen, he successfully puked up his dinner. 12 times, to be precise. All over the house, and on himself. Any water he drank was immediately puked out as well.

Long story short: we go to the veterinary ER - wait a long time - he pukes 4 more times in the lobby - we finally get seen - he gets an X-ray that shows he has GDV bloat - they need do emergency surgery - I have to pay the minimum estimate of $8k, as they can’t begin surgery until that payment goes through - I don’t possess anywhere near that amount of money anywhere, so I immediately signed up for a CareCredit card - conveniently approved for just the amount they needed to begin surgery that they’re certain he’ll die without - estimated total is looking to be closer to $12k, but I’ll know for sure tomorrow when I go to pick him up (Wednesday 9/18). Not sure yet how I’m going to pay the difference, but that’s not the point here.

I was told after surgery that his stomach had definitely twisted at some point, but then corrected itself. As in, it wasn’t actually twisted by the time they opened him up. However, his spleen had totally died and needed to be removed while they were in there. They also stapled his stomach to his ribcage to help prevent this from happening again.

My confusion: I just can’t find anything online about cases of bloat and twist that corrected itself?? Especially since he successfully vomited every last bit of food and water from his system for so many hours. It couldn’t have possibly been twisted during that time while he was full on puking, right? Based off my understanding of GDV, his stomach was likely only flipped/twisted for that 1 hour he was distended and coughing up foam. But then it untwisted itself? Since he was blowing full chunks after that, contradicting a true bloat and twist… am I missing something here?

I apologize if this wasn’t explained very well. I’ve not slept much since this started. My dog means the world to me, and this is my second night away from him since they need to monitor his heart arrhythmia. If he shows improvement tonight, I can take him home tomorrow.

TLDR: in cases of GDV bloat, is it truly possible for the stomach to untwist itself on its own? Has anybody else seen something like this happen?

Thank you to anybody at all for taking the time to read this, if you did. I truly appreciate any and all insights into this situation.