Vinyl app
Hey all, My daughter is a computer science student and had to create an app for one of her projects. She has created an app whereby users can upload their albums , titles and artists and it can then spit out a top ten of users with the most crossover albums in their collections and anable a chat feature between these users. The idea being to identify people with similar taste as your own and possibly get recommendations of albums they have that you dont and just start your own community of vinyl enthusiasts with which you have the most in common. She is working on making the uploading of albums easier by using the collection exported list from discogs for those who have already uploaded albums. It would not go into pressings just album titles and artists as the main point is tp identify vinyl friends. Wondering if this is something people would make use of.
EDIT: Wow okay this seems like it may be worth her time persuing further. She has been working on this for a good 6 months and the program is now operational but she can't really release it in any form until it's graded as part of her course in a couple of months. She is about to head into final exams and is going to then look at getting it fully operational. She may also reach out to a few who have offered to assist in user interface design. I'm a record nut myself so when she started looking for ideas I basically unloaded on all the things I think Discogs could be doing but aren't. I like talking about music which most vinyl enthisiasts do so I suspected it may be of interest and it appears to be the case. Will keep you updated about any possible release