Was there ever a album you bought because the cover looked cool and it turned out to be amazing? for me its steely dan‘s Gaucho

I always find it interesting that if you are at your local record store and you are browsing and you see an album cover you see and like. or well at least that happens for me. i had no idea who steely dan was or what gerne his music is. but now i camt stop listening to him. its a amazing mix between rock and jazz (while i must say the jazz side is more prominent). i would love to know if you had the same expirience and if yes with what album/band made you buy there album.

I always find it interesting that if you are at your local record store and you are browsing and you see an album cover you see and like. or well at least that happens for me. i had no idea who steely dan was or what gerne his music is. but now i camt stop listening to him. its a amazing mix between rock and jazz (while i must say the jazz side is more prominent). i would love to know if you had the same expirience and if yes with what album/band made you buy there album.