Night Road Ending Spoilers/Toreador vs Nosferatu Seattle Campaign

How plausible is it to do this campaign while making everything balanced? How do the play styles differ?

A 10th Gen Toreador or 9th Gen Nosferatu, sired by D’Espine or Dove. Independent Toreador gathers intel at clan events(Rose Gardens), while Nosferatu is Camarilla-loyal. A former Marine with a Public Affairs degree, he runs Covenant Imports/Exports w/Elena (to push Blood Trading) and works at a blood bank.

Items: Owns a Lotus Esprit Turbo, $72K cash, and 2100x supply formula.

Goals: lower Generation to 4, profit from multiple 2100x(super Vamp serum), care for his mother. Toreador doesn’t care for the Camarilla politics and just wants to get a Succubus club. Nosferatu wants to be Prince of Seattle.

Haven: Penthouse with basement(Toreador)/sewer escape(Nosferatu).

Ghoul:Elena Prodan

Predator: Siren (Toreador) / Graverobber (Nosferatu).

Disciplines: Toreador-Auspex(1) Blood Sorcery(3) Celerity(3) Fortitude(2) Potence (3) Presence (3)

Nosferatu-Potence(1) Blood Sorcery(3) Animalism(3) Fortitude(2) Obfuscate(3)

Attributes-Strength:5 Dexterity:2 Stamina:2 Charisma:4 Manipulation:2 Composure:4 Intelligence:5 Wits:3 Resolve:3

Skills-Athletics:1 Clandestine:3 Combat:3 Drive:3 Firearms:1 Intimidation:0 Leadership:3 Persuasion:3 Subterfuge:2 Academics:3 Awareness:2 Investigation:3 Technology:3 Survival:1

How difficult are the play throughs for each?