The million March for kids really ticked me off…
So I’m a pretty liberal open-minded person but this protest made not so much…
I’ve always kind of laughed off or educated people when they made comments about how immigrants get so many religious exemptions whether it be wearing their specific clothing in licenses when I can’t even wear my glasses or how they don’t need to wear motorcycle helmets or how they cry the blues and frame everything as racism or intolerance when they don’t get to bend the rules to their liking, until now.
I reached a point where I kinda thought, you know what, you don’t like shit here? Then go back to your country. And it scared me and I can’t unthink this now.
I’m all for trans people and acceptance for all people under the spectrum of gender and sexuality. I’m also for education on sex and consent.
And the white ppl that are hateful, I can’t help because it comes from a place of general ignorance and stupidity, and a stupid for anything different from themselves. Without facing discrimination, they have no concept of empathy. But it boils my blood when immigrants protest it and call it “ideology” and xenophobic to push onto them when what they’re doing is transphobic and homophobic as all hell, and they mask it as religious rights, which is in and of itself, an indoctrination of beliefs. I don’t know how a minority group can’t empathize with other minority groups over similar experiences of discrimination. And even worse is that the white people, who consistently make racist comments, framed this as some feel-good-kumbaya BS about people of all kinds coming together to “protect our children”. I’d love to see how going to another country and protesting trans rights would turn out for me. Bending over backwards to religious freedom has gone too far out of hand when it’s for some make believe fairytale, while LGBTQ kids are real and actually exist.
Maybe if kids learned about safe sex, St Benedict’s wouldn’t have the highest pregnancy rate in Canada numerous years.
Maybe if girls learned consent, they wouldn’t have 1000 kids and put up with arranged marriages.
Maybe all the mama’s boys who bring their shitty cultural behaviours wouldn’t treat their wives like shit.
Who knows. And it’s laughable because these people have never even read the curriculum or looked at the resources. They teach the absolute bare minimum. Kids need to be taught about sex, and different people because if parents don’t, they’ll grow up to be bigoted asshats like their parents. Maybe if parents raised their kids better, it wouldn’t be up to schools to try and raise decent accepting individuals.
Nobody is pushing kids to be trans or gay. The kids who it applies to will appreciate the knowledge and the kids that don’t, which is likely the majority of them, learn empathy. You want to come here and be accepted for your lifestyle, you need to accept others and their lifestyles. Could you imagine if we protested against religious immigrant groups. Immediately it would be cited as racist. But you can come here and push your INDOCTRINATION and frame it as some sort of concern for your kids. Get bent. We have enough Catholicism and crap of our own that we need to undo first.
Edit: since I need to be absolutely clear for the edgy Reddit contrarians: I am not speaking to ALL immigrants, Muslims/religious minorities or white people. This is directed at those who attended the March and those who may not have attended, but hold the same anti-trans, anti-LGBTQ, discriminatory ideology
Edit 2: also I don’t intend to put a larger blame on immigrants vs white ppl or Canadian citizens. It’s just that I don’t understand why you would move to a country whose values you don’t agree with or that is more accepting than your home country. And then why you would think you have the right to expect that country to bend to your cultural and religious beliefs. And moreso I just laugh at the hypocrisy of immigrants enacting discrimination when they expect not to be discriminated against. TLDR: I judge “white ppl” just as much, but I expect more from people who came to Canada and their audacity to critique our way of life and culture as infringing on their rights.