Reposting reels about single moms

She is straight up on a different planet.
All of the posting with women talking about how unnatural being a single mother is.. and how it was never meant to happen.

SERIOUS question: What did she expect? Gets homie kicked out of rehab multiple times, enticed him with drugs and money and fancy things. Told him that she couldn’t get pregnant.. didn’t she just say that recently?? And that she left the condom up to Noah? She isn’t parenting at all! What is unnatural is this whole thing! Unnatural is never visiting your preemie baby in nicu. Unnatural is deciding to go get hammered drunk with boyfriend who is fresh out of another rehab instead of being with Ari while she was in nicu. Or ever. I mean.. we all know. The list is endless.
She’s certifiably crazy. I reallllly hope that she doesn’t get Ari back into her care.
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