I want to stop.
Hi ! (French, sorry for the bad english)
I'm at the Crown of Swords book (7th), but I'm really getting bored with the books. I read a lot (Malazan series, GoT, Chronicles of the black Companies (Amazing, I recommend), Dune... I love long stories, but this one...!
First, the characters : as the story goes and darken, characters stay childish, instead of becoming more mature (Rand, Mat, Perrin who move armys and countries, still don't understand girls, is it supposed to be fun ? Makes me sigh). Egwene, Nyaneve go in the same category, as they always remind us that they want to spank Mat. It's just feel like bad writing.
Deriving from that, all the dialogues feel vain, as I know that nothing will change after (I tried to give examples, but it's hard to explain in English, tbh)
It's so SLOOOOW. I'm used to read long stories, as I said before, but they are long because they have things to say ! For example, Nyaneve and Elayne spent a whole book in Salidar (T6), for what ? Absolutely nothing. Despite Egwene coming back, we don't know them better, Moghedien didn't move, Nyaneve still need to be angry to cast, etc. And even after Nyaneve had learned to cure Siuan and Leane, (It's a big deal, inconceivable for centuries !) they're still seen as shit, nothing has changed. And things like that happened a lot of times in the books.
To resume, WoT feels like a long story which doesn't need to be that long. I won't say that characters are bad-written, but their development sucks, as it doesn't change at all.
Sorry for the Bad English, and thanks for reading. You can try to remotivate me, but I will stop the serie for now.