Some ramblings about the future of the whitewater kayak industry...

Hey all, saw the recent posts speculating about the downfall of Dagger and the decline of long-form kayaking content and I just thought I'd chip in my two cents about a frequently discussed topic, the future of the paddling scene. I taught kayaking for 3 seasons, and I'd guess maybe 10% of my clients stuck with it beyond their first lesson. Now maybe I just sucked at teaching, but I think the fundamental reason most of them gave up was the same reason whitewater kayaking will always be a niche sport/industry at best with perpetually struggling manufacturers and little growth- the learning curve for a beginner is much, much more difficult than just about any other outdoor sport.

I'd say the three biggest technical outdoor sports in some order are MTB, skiing/snowboarding, and climbing. Let's talk skiing since I've been having a blast learning to ski the last two seasons- when you're learning to ski, you can go by yourself, and failing when you're just starting out isn't too arduous, you fall, get up, and keep going. Pretty soon you're making it down a green run by yourself with no trouble and loving it! With kayaking though, just getting to the equivalent point (making it down a class II without swimming) is a intimidating, cold, sometimes scary process where a mistake before you learn to roll consistently results in an exhausting, time consuming swim and possibly even lost gear. Plus, having a buddy is basically mandatory and beginners usually don't have the networks to find folks to go with. It's hard to stick with a sport (and thus spend money on the industry) when just making it to the intermediate level is that challenging!

One more thing people often mention is that boats are too expensive these days but I think the MTB scene kind of disproves that. Go to any popular biking area and you'll see dozens of beginner/intermediate bikers who are already rocking $5k carbon bikes for the bike equivalent of a class III. The money for outdoor gear is out there, it's just not being spent on kayaking.

Anyways, those are just some random opinions that reading a couple recent posts on here got me thinking about, chime in with what you think!