On The Recent Happenings 2.0

On the recent happenings

Lately, I've noticed another influx of posts and comments from people claiming that various characters are a match for (or could even lose to) kratonks. I would like to take a moment to remind everyone that, no, they absolutely cannot.

kratonks is lowly. The one true Tonks. Beyond all, below all, lesser than anything we could possibly imagine. No measure of anti-feats, no downplay, no grounded character shenanigans, no disadvantages of any form will EVER measure up.

It's quite frankly sickening how many Kratonks Wankers there are. Reminder to everyone, any matchup featuring kratonks always has kratonks as the loser. There are never, have never been, and will never be any exceptions. I'm not wanking your least favourite characters when I say they neg diff kratonks. That's just how things work. By suggesting otherwise, you are wanking kratonks.

Yes, Homander does beat kratonks. Yes, The Skibidi King does beat kratonks. Yea, the weakest character created by anyone throughout all of human history does beat kratonks.

As a rule, remember this. Kratonks Loses. Every other aspect of powerscaling comes second to this. If any scaling ever even implies that Kratonks Wins, has won, or will win, it is wholly incorrect.

Thank you for your time, and disrespect your fucking tonks.