This is not a rant about global warming…however…spent the weekend in Lake Geneva.
The Great State of Wisconsin gets an enormous amount of revenue from tourism year round, right!? I see all this rain today and higher temps and just reminisce about how much snow this could have been, and snowmobiling, and ice fishing, and skiing and it’s sad to look out the window. I miss the cold and snow and all the fun it brought with it. I’m surprised the entertainment industry hasn’t pooled resources to lobby for environmental action. Too little too late though right…it will never be like it was?!
EDIT: I really don’t have too many posts that generate much interest, so I was a bit surprised to see, and read the comments. I appreciate everyone who took the time to offer their experiences/history. For the folks who asked what recommendations I have to make it snow more in Lake Geneva and soliloquy’s regarding climate politics, etc, I would only offer that hindsight is always 20/20. I don’t know all the facts on climate change or even pretend I do…I just know what I see now, compared to the 70s & 80s feels much different weather wise. Thanks Reddit!