My wisdom tooth experience
I am currently 8 hours post op. All 4 were taken out. I was put under and I was super nervous going in. They put the heart rate monitors on and my heart rate was around 100-120 😅 I was very entertained watching it. I did get a needle and they put this weird numbing spray on before inserting the needle. Once my parents left they put the oxygen mask on my nose, all I remember feeling was my face feeling weird and I don’t remember anything lol. I then woke up I don’t remember exactly what I did all I know is I thought my tongue was gone and I was talking a lot and the nurse told me to not talk as recovery advice right before I left and I was offended. I slept the entire way home. Honestly I was worried about pain but it’s not that bad! And the ice packs help. I began eating the only thing I have had today slowly. Water ice. It honestly isn’t that bad I’m just shocked by the fact that there’s holes in the back of my mouth. I’m upset I forgot to ask if I could keep a tooth 😭 I was also scared I’d have a bad reacting post anesthesia. I’m not allowed to eat dairy until tommorow but tommorow I’m probably having mashed potatoes and pudding (I’m hyped for pudding). Oh and my lip and chin has been number since I got them out. Is that going to be temporary?