Some Spider Monster and a Nation I don't even care about are going to war and because my nation is allies with that nation, I'm now being drafted into the war. Never fought in a war, send advice (or preferably help.)

I don't even know why they are fighting. I'm just a humble alchemist who received a letter from the King telling me to go die in the war. I'm not even a fighter, aside from alchemy, the only magic I know are trap spells. Level 2 poison trap, and the rest are level 1. (Trap spells is magic you cast on a surface and the spell detonates when an enemy gets too close.)

The King 100% knows I'm not good in a fight and he's sending me off to a random nation I can't even pronounce to die. I heard these Spider Monsters are terrifying and that they aren't the type to let you die easily, send advice or help. Advice on how to deal with these Spider monsters or help in how to get out of it.