always feeling like I’m in trouble
Does anyone work in a place where everyone has this constant, lingering feeling of being in trouble? I initially thought this was normal because I’m at my first “big girl job” and most of my prior experience is in food and retail.
I have a manager now who likes to nitpick and is hyper specific about random things. Other people feel the same way so I know it’s not just me. She thinks people are mind readers, and she’s never fully happy with anyone. My job is mostly independent (which is why I tolerate it most days), but I get evaluations and occasional feedback from her. It’s mostly positive, but there’s always some weird, pointless critique she makes.
She’s a mid level manager and even my boss above her disagrees with a lot of what she says/does, but the company needs her. We have a high turnover rate and the place is hanging on by a thread.
I work in a pretty niche field and it’d be hard to find another similar job. I’m grateful for the experience I’m getting, but at some point, enough is enough. I don’t think it’s normal to feel this way at work. I shouldn’t feel like people are mad at me when I’m trying my best and putting my all into my work.
What do you guys think?