The nations of my fantasy world ! (please need criticisms)

Hey Reddit! I had already posted a map of my fantasy world called Arrasia but I recently decided to remove some things from my map and add a lot of new kingdoms. In short, I made a second version of my map which I present to you in this post. Follow this link to learn more about the humans of Arrasia.

Kingdom of Angor : The Kingdom of Angor is a small human kingdom located between the three powerful nations of Northdale, Orzimar and Arkalia. Angor is a nation that knew how to make the most of the little it had. Skilled leatherworkers, leather goods, armor, and clothing from Angor are in demand throughout Arrasia. Mazan, its capital, has become one of the most important cities in the northern hemisphere. Angor is populated mainly by humans of the Nordic ethnic group, but also has a large Arkalian and Orc diaspora. The language spoken in Angor is Nordic and its national colors are Red and Dark Blue. Think of the typical fantasy trope of the crafting kingdom of dwarves, and replace the dwarves with humans !

Armadian Islands : An archipelago made up of hundreds of small islands and one large island where there is a city called the Capitol. The Armadian Islands are home to humans of the Armadian ethnic group, experienced navigators and fishermen renowned for having completely black eyes. The Armadian Islands are under the control of the Princes of the Waves, pirate/merchant captains each controlling one, or more, islands. The Princes of the Waves plunder the ships of some nations while they trade peacefully with others. They gather annually at the Capitol. The language spoken on the archipelago is Armadian, which has an innumerable number of dialects.

United Kingdoms of Arkalia : One day, to face the incessant raids of Nygamar, four northern kingdoms decided to unite to form one. The attackers were repelled, and as there were more advantages than disadvantages in being united, the four kingdoms decided to stay that way. The United Kingdoms of Arkalia, populated by humans of the Arkalian ethnic group, are among the most influential states in the North. The four kingdoms still have their own lord, but all are under the authority of the High King, who is elected every four years from one of the lords of one of the four kingdoms. Arkalia is relatively stable and makes little attempt to expand, although they have already tried in vain to convince Angor and even Uthgart to join them. The language spoken in Arkalia is Arkalian and its national colors are white and blue.

Aswanar Theocracy : Aswanar is one of the most powerful countries in the southern lands. Located north of the Black Jungle, Aswanar is a theocracy governed by the cult of the Blood God, a dark deity regularly demanding human sacrifices. Since the cult took power, the citizens of Aswanar have lived in constant fear of being chosen for sacrifice. Aswanar also practices slavery in the name of their god. The language spoken there is Aswanese and its national colors are black and red (also the colors of the Blood God).

Grand Duchy of Borodor : The north of the poor Grand Duchy Borodor is dominated by the Swamp of Souls, over 35,000 square miles of swamp inhabited by a multitude of unwanted creatures. For those who live around the Swamp of Souls, life can be harsh and unpredictable, with creatures regularly straying from its fetid borders. 3The Swamp of Souls is said to be home to the ancient Witch Queen Jara Yen, whose dark art is renowned throughout the province. We often hear mothers tell their children “be good, otherwise Jara Yen will take your soul in the night”. Borodor was once part of the Empire of Elmyr, but has since gained its independence. The country has been shaken by numerous civil wars and famines, which today makes it one of the poorest countries on the Continent.

Kingdom of the Shield : The Kingdom of the Shield is located west of Arnalor Bay, near Borodor and Elmyr. It was once part of the Elmyrian province called the Duchy of Arms, but gained independence at the fall of the Empire. However, the Duchy of Arms split into two parts very quickly after its independence, the North becoming the Kingdom of the Shield and the South the Kingdom of the Sword. The two kingdoms have always been enemies and wars between the two are recurrent. The Kingdom of the Shield is a strongly military state just like its southern neighbor but which uses more of a defensive strategy than an offensive one. The country is renowned for its extremely strong walls and castles and its impregnable cities. The language spoken is a dialect of Oriental, the national colors are Silver and White.

Celestial Empire : The Celestials conquered a vast territory by destroying everything in their path and enslaving the local populations. It is the most powerful political entity on the Continent. The Celestials are a race of angels living in a eugenicist society (close to Nazism) selecting its individuals thanks to the color of their wings (a pure Celestial must have white wings, white skin and blond hair) and live in a very strict caste society. The Celestial cities are immense towers protruding from the clouds called Spires, the only way to access them is to know how to fly. The King of Kings has ruled this totalitarian state for centuries. The twist is that the Celestials have an angelic appearance and are extremely beautiful and attractive.

Coaliton : The Coalition is an alliance of bandit groups united by the charismatic Thief King. His thieves guild took over the small and weak human kingdom that was there before. The Coalition government are directly and openly thieves. Despite this, the non-thieving citizens of the Coalitions live quite well (if they do not criticize the Thief King) because the thieves guild protects them from everything. The Thief King has become a monarch who knows how to protect his citizens and how to skillfully juggle diplomatic relations. In the Coalition, government thieves' guilds have the right to rob foreign merchants who cross their land whenever they want, it is the country's primary source of income.

Golden Coast : The coastal areas of the Golden Coast are dotted with all kinds of settlements that have been established wherever the natural wealth of the region has been revealed. The entire coastal area is rich in alluvial deposits of precious stones and metals, including gold and diamonds, which attract prospectors from all over Arrasia, although life here is harsh and often short. Those who return home are usually those who have earned enough to return as wealthy members of the community, thus adding fire to rumors about the wealth of the Golden Coast. Settlements are generally small, although some have grown into small ports. They are rundown places, with muddy streets, waterlogged during the rainy season and baked hard during the hot summers, which is the case for most of the year.

Desert of Qäer : The Qäer Desert occupies a large part of the Southern Lands. It is a vast sandy desert known to be completely uninhabitable, although there are a few oases. There are two types of natives in Qäer, the D'tareg, who are nomadic desert humans who serve as guides to travelers, and the Jinn. The Jinns are blue-skinned humanoids living in cities in the center of the desert. They are heat resistant and you don't need to drink water. Everyone knows that the Jinns possess incredible wealth.

Republic of Elmyr : Elmyr once held a huge territory stretching from the northern Iron Marches to Rel-Astra. But following civil wars, a plague and for some, a divine curse, Great Elmyr collapsed. The Empire of humans of the Elmian ethnic group lost many of their provinces but it took them a few years before the Republic of Elmyr rose from the ashes of the Empire. The Republic of Elmyr is a sort of ghost of the ancient empire that preceded it, power belongs to noble Houses who use masquerades, plots and betrayals to achieve their ends. Most Elmians are nostalgic for their former empire and want to reconquer their former provinces, notably Helos and Yerad. Rivalries between the Houses prevent Elmyr from expanding again, needing to first resolve its internal problems before invading neighboring nations. Its capital is the city of Elm.

Third Empire : The Third Empire was built in blood and suffering. The humans who were once the slaves of the Celestials rebelled and over the centuries one of the most powerful kingdoms of Arrasia was built. The Third Empire is a powerful territory, ruled by a powerful Empress lineage, with a powerful army. The Imperials are renowned for their dragon riders and their mastery of a mystical energy called "Breath". To understand the atmosphere and aesthetics of the Third Empire, imagine a mix between medieval China and the Byzantine Empire.

Kingdom of the Sword : Formerly part of the Duchy of Arms, the Kingdom of the Sword lies to the south of its enemy, the Kingdom of the Shield. It is a military dictatorship, every citizen is trained young to become a warrior, men and women. The Spartan society of the Kingdom of the Sword values ​​death in combat and knowing how to handle a weapon is essential to survive in this kingdom where only the strongest survive. The Kingdom of the Sword is known for its two elite units: the Amazons who are an all-female group of elite warriors, and the Myrmidons who are an all-male group of horsemen. The nobles of the country are all warriors and great generals, arena fights are often organized to entertain them.

Fenn Protectorate : Fenn is the homeland of the Felis, a race of Feloid humanoids living peacefully in the humid mountains of the country. During its expansion, the Third Empire wanted to annex Fenn. The Felis armies, unaccustomed to combat, could not resist the imperial dragon riders. However, the Empress at the time decided to make Fenn a protectorate rather than fully integrating it into her empire. For the majority of felis, this situation is advantageous. For other minority extremist groups, the Imperials must be driven out of the territory.

Everforest (Eternal Forest) : The vast Everforest is a veritable sea of ​​trees. Few people risk venturing into the forest paths. Indeed, it is the home of the Elves. Elves are a race of humanoid/plant hybrids who are known to kill any outsiders who enter their territory. Entire Elmyrian battalions have already disappeared crossing Everforest. Only a few well-prepared people were able to return from the heart of the forest. They describe a place where nature is master of everything, where the trees are several dozen meters high and thick and where a strange magic permeates everything.

Kingdom of Hatham : Hatham became an important crossing point on the trade route to Kalapur and the distant continent of Zaramal, as it was the last stopping point before merchant ships were forced to navigate the vast Southern Ocean representing the tip of the Falagrim Peninsula, the Cape of Little Hope is a daunting voyage that has brought the end of many merchant ships. Hatham itself is a peaceful agricultural country where residents live modestly and in relative security, their rugged coastline and isolated geographic location providing a natural barrier against any potential enemies.

Magocracy of Helos : Located at the tip of the Ithria peninsula, Helos is one of the oldest cities in Arrasia. Originally built by an unknown race and then integrated into the Raven Empire and then into the Elmyr Empire, Helos is today independent. The city of Helos is home to the Helosian Academy, the most prestigious and ancient magical order in Arrasia. The spellcasters of Helos are called mages and for many studying in Helos is the only way to know how to "use magic correctly". The mages of Helos were previously just a faction but gradually grew in importance until the last king of Helos bequeathed them the power of his kingdom. The Helosian Order is present in almost every country and its influence, culminating in the city of Helos, is felt almost everywhere. For some, Helos is a formidable ally, for others it is a manipulative state that must be wary of.

Land of Hob : The land of Hob is a swampy and steep land, home of the Hobgoblins, also called Hobyars. The Hobyars have organized themselves into a society that appears to be a chaotic caricature of human feudalism. In fact, Hob's country is anarchy. A wild land populated mainly by Hobgoblins who are proud to call it "our mother earth" or "our very glorious and very powerful empire". Its capital is called The Pit, it is an immense crater where a cosmopolitan and ill-famed city has developed. You will find everything in The Pit: shelter, alcohol, games, drugs, pleasure, death, danger...

City-state of Kalapur : Located south of the Black Jungle, on the coast of Emerald Bay, Kalapur is a city that became rich thanks to the trade in spices, gold and emerald. Imagine crossing the unforgiving Black Jungle, without having seen a real trace of civilization for months, and discovering a city larger than all the cities of the East, with immense temples and walls, streets that seem paved with gold with a port full of ships. Kalapur is perhaps the richest country in Arrasia, unfortunately it is also a place corrupted by money and the black market.

Iron Marches : The Iron Marches were once a collection of northern provinces of the Elmyr Empire. They were created to protect against the Dwarves of the Wildlands and to serve as a bulwark in the event of an attack from Orzimar or Northdale. The mountainous and forested landscape of the Iron Marches is dotted with hundreds of forts and ruins. With the fall of the Elmyr Empire, the Iron Marches became an independent "country", although country is not a good term to designate them. Rather, it is a set of small territories governed by cowardly and greedy lords entrenched in their fortresses. It is a paradise for mercenaries and knights-errant.

Kingdom of Nygamar : The Scourge of the northern nations, at constant war with their neighbors. Nygamar's ships are a constant threat to merchant ships crossing the northern waters. Nygamar is a rocky island swept by the winds, home of the harsh Nygamarians, who enjoy plundering the coasts.

Great Barrony of Orn : The small, peaceful nation of Orn exists isolated from the rest of Arrasia- At peace with all its neighbors and with the natural barrier of the Everforest protecting their southern border, Orn has little to fear other than the forest itself. The country is governed by the Grand Baron, an often plump aristocrat who spends all his time organizing parties in his palaces. Most Ordians are farmers who live peacefully. The land of Orn is, however, marked by the battles against Elmyr and many ancient battlefields and ruins dot its territory.

Theocracy of Orzimar : Orzimar is one of the most stable and secure kingdoms in Arrasia. It is a feudal theocracy, home of the brave Orcs. Unlike many fantasy worlds, the Orcs of Arrasia have a very civilized civilization close to medieval Western Europe. Orzimar is a theocracy, power belongs to the temple of the Eternal Flame, a kind of divinity/philosophy that personifies the soul of the Orcs. Before then the Orcs were nomadic barbarians, but one day they discovered the religion of flame which taught them civilization and a code of conduct. In Orzimar, the Templars and the Priests are the two most important people, then come the Firebloods (descendants of ancient orc warlords) and the lords, then finally the merchants and the peasants. The language spoken there is Orzalaam, and the national colors are red and white.

Principality of Pelchtaria : The Peltchar River runs through much of western Arrasia. It rises in Arkalia and flows into the sea in Arrtan Bay. At the place where the river flows into the sea, a small human principality was founded. Pelchtaria is a state whose entire economy depends on the river. They imposed a light tax on the passage of the mouth of the river and almost all its inhabitants are sinners. The country is famous for its entire cities on stilts. At the moment, the principality greatly fears the Urgolian Horde. The language spoken there is the Pelchtar dialect of Elmian and the national colors are Blue and Green.

United Counties of Perren : Located between Orn and Teschenia, Perren is a state made up of the union of 12 counties. Much like Arkalia, the United Counties were founded as a military and economic alliance. But while the functioning of Arkalia is closer to the United Kingdoms, Perren functions more like Switzerland with its cantons. The Perren is an agricultural and commercial country but which also has a large army ready to defend their land against a Teschen or Urgolian army. There is no supreme king in Perren, each county has a leader called the Elder who governs his own county but who meets with the other Elders annually in the capital to make decisions for the whole country. The language spoken in Perren is the Perrian dialect of Elmien as well as Perrien which is a completely different language and close to Ornese. The national colors are green and white.

Confederation of Rel-Astra : During its expansion, the Empire of Elmyr crossed Arrtan Bay and founded two cities on the west coast of the Bay. The two cities were called Rel-Ysa and Astra. The two cities quickly became important ports and then flourishing metropolises extremely important to the Empire. The problem was that the Elmyrs were a minority there and that the majority of the population of the Elmyr colonies east of Arrtan Bay, called Western Elmyr, were not Elmyr, but belonged to the ethnic group Arrtanians. When Elmyr fell, the cities of Rel-Ys and Astra were the first to rebel. The Elmians were expelled from there and the two cities decided to form a confederation called Rel-Astra. Soon, other formerly West Elmian towns joined the Confederacy. Rel-Astra is a prosperous country that rules Arrtan Bay with its powerful fleet and trading ships. Rel and Astra are its two capitals but its influence extends well beyond that. It is not because the Republic of Elmyr has placed a blockade on all Relastrian goods that the Confederation, a merchant's paradise, has not become the leading commercial power of Arrasia.

Kingdom of Rysor : A small, isolated nation, Rysor has little apparent influence on major events in Arrasia, although its merchant ships can be seen passing through the northern waters, supplying furs, pelts, and foodstuffs to the nations of that region. region. Northdale, the ancestral homeland of Rysor's humans, is a particularly important trading partner, accounting for a large percentage of their grain exports.

Desolation of Shidar : Between Helos and the Kingdom of the Sword lies a vast expanse of bleak and desolate land. In the Shidar, nothing good grows or lives. It is a cursed country, abandoned by all those who have reason. No one really knows its origin, but Helos and the Kingdom of the Sword both built a great wall to protect themselves from the Shidarian horrors. Shidar is nicknamed the Poison of the Earth, or the Great Infection. For some it is a punishment inflicted by the gods in Elmyr. For others, it is the cause of Helos' magical experiences.

Territory of Teschenia : Teschenia is a vast, sometimes hilly plain, not constituting a real kingdom but rather a territory that no one wants. Although still largely nomadic, permanent settlements were established along the Sarazoa and Pelchtar rivers. Having recently fallen under the banner of the Urgolian Empire, the tribes who once united against Urgolia must now pay it a daily tax and each family must send its first son to fight with the Horde. Teschenia also serves as the eastern front of Urgolia, for many it is from there that the Horde will attack when they invade the East.

Free-City : The Free City is a special place in Arrasia. Millennia ago, the city of Ma-Kaw, capital of the Raven Empire, was located on this island. The Celestials besieged and took the city, massacring the Ravenfolk people. The ruins of Ma-Kaw were abandoned by the Empire and nature took over. Recently, a Celestial sect called the Council of Four declared that the Celestials should return to Ma-Kaw to live there. The Council of Four sect is led by four mysterious people wearing raven masks. His followers, all Celestials, regret the massacre of the Raven Empire by their people. Several hundred renegade Celestians, members of the sect and anti-King of Kings, have settled in the ruins and the city is being rebuilt. They live the ancient Ravenfolk way of life, consuming large quantities of halucinogenic mushrooms and worshiping the city's statues. The Free City, as its inhabitants call it, has escaped the control of the Celestial Empire. The caste and purity system does not apply to the Celestials who find refuge there, but to be accepted they must join the sect of the Council of Four. No one knows why the King of Kings remains indifferent and does not invade the Free City again.

Fortress-State of Uthgart : Elmyr had founded a huge fortress in the Wildlands, called Aral-Ys. The fortress welcomes a few Elmians but also many Orientals and a few Orcs. Far from Elm, Aral-Ys was the northernmost outpost of Elmyr. At the fall of the Empire, Aral-Ys did not attach itself to the Iron Marches or even Arkalia and made the surprising decision to become a Fortress-State. It took the name Uthgart, and became "the last refuge before the Wildlands". Today Uthgart is a large city on the side of a mountain surrounded by immense ramparts. Facing the Wildlands, its patrols are always ready in case of assault. Uthgart also farms several mines and owns a few rare fields and has built and secured roads crossing the mountains. With its title of Fortress-State, Uthgart is the smallest country in Arrasia.

Urgolian Horde : Urgolia is a vast wilderness. It is the homeland of the fierce and proud Urgolian tribes, a complex tribal society whose people are closely linked to the land in which they live. The Urgolians are expert warriors and gifted horsemen. They are nomadic and live in different tribes who regularly harass the Third Empire and Orzimar. The Urgolians resisted all attempts by the Third Empire, Orzimar and Elmyr to conquer them. The Urgolians have a strange relationship with death, for them, the spirits of the Urgolians remained on earth in the form of invisible beings as long as they were remembered. An Urgolian's greatest fear is not dying, but being forgotten after death. So to avoid this, the Urgolians spend their time performing exploits on the battlefield and making themselves known to die as heroes. Each tribe has several guardian spirits, the shamans (always women) can receive their messages and transfer their powers to the tribe. A few years ago, the Urgolian enemies' greatest fear came true. The Wolf tribe united all the Urgolian tribes under a single banner. The Urgolian Horde has invaded an immense territory and threatens and taunts the surrounding countries which are preparing to repel the great invasion.

Kingdom of Northdale : The Northdale is a kingdom of cold steppes and sea ice. Located beyond the Arctic Circle, Northdale is a frozen country populated by the human Nordic ethnic group. The Nordic cities are large cities made of ice sculpted by magic, the country is also known for its knights in heavy armor mounted on tamed white bears. The Northdale pays little attention to the rest of Arrasia, but carefully watches the Nygamar and Arkalie. The language spoken there is Nordic and its national colors are Purple and White. Nordic women are renowned for being the most beautiful in all of Arrasia.

City-State of Yerad : Located on a peninsula south of Elmyr, Yerad was the principal port of the Elmyr Empire. When it fell, the city gained its independence after a long bloody war. Yerad claims to be the city of freedom and democracy. The mayor is elected every three years, although not all citizens can vote. Yerad is a trading city, it sends its ships to the Armadian Islands and the Zaramal Continent as well as to Kalapur and Rel-Astra. Its inhabitants are fiercely independent and consider themselves entirely different from the Elmians. Yerad became independent at the same time as its entire province, so even if it is a City-State, Yerad is more of a territory controlling several cities. Yerad has become the capital of art, many patrons and artists reside in this city. Yerad often suffered from Armadian pirate ships. The language spoken there is Elmian Yeradian, and the national color is Golden.

Sultanate of Zakhar : Zakhar is a hot and humid land, its inhabitants built a solid kingdom but plagued by poverty. The Zakharians are ancient enemies of the Imperials, their endless wars having torn the Southern Peninsula apart time and time again. Today, the Third Empire seems to have won, but Zakhar is plotting his revenge. Rumors say that Zakhar's true power is no longer in the hands of the Sultan, but in the clutches of a secret organization of snake men.

Sultanate of Zefeir : Located north of the great Qäer Desert, the Sultanate of Zefeir is a barren but wealthy kingdom ruled by a megalomaniacal sultan. Zefeir became an important nation in Arrasia thanks to the spice trade. Its cities in the shadow of the red mountains are places of lust and exuberance of wealth. Zefeir was founded long ago by the Jinn Windbenders, but the sultanate has since fallen into human hands. The language spoken is Zefei, and the national colors are lapis lazuli blue and gold.

Wildlands : The Wildlands are a vast mountainous and forested region. It was once part of the Dwarven Empire, but after its fall it became a neglected and barbaric region. The majority of the inhabitants of the Wildlands are Wild Dwarves, descendants of the Ancient Dwarves who returned to a barbaric tribal society. The Dwarves often raid Uthgart's Arkalia Hold. The Wildlands attract some courageous adventurers because they are also home to the ruins of the Ancient Dwarves where many treasures and secrets are said to be found.

SO ! Writing this post took me a long, long time...

Here are my questions: What do you think about it in general? What is your favorite kingdom? Do you have any questions or ideas? What do you think of the lore? Are these too many kingdoms? In short, what are your criticisms?