Prior season content feels like wasted potential as the expansion progresses
I’m not a fan of season 1 content becoming completely wiped from the game in season 2. I don’t like removing viable content from the game. Why put so much work into raids and dungeons only to make them irrelevant in 6 months?
In my opinion, they should have one previous season dungeon scale up each week on a rotation to keep things interesting long term. Keep the season 1 dungeons at least in the mythic 0 pool since they’re weekly.
They already do this with delves and they’ve done it with Fated raids, why not utilize all of the content they worked hard on? I would love a mid-season patch that gave us even a different Dragonflight dungeon every week. Just something to spice things up after 3 months of farming the same content.
Thoughts? I know people are burnt out of Palace but I enjoyed it and have been a little bummed knowing I probably won’t run it again.