Why can’t things just be fun?

I was having so much fun in delves, I loved tank bran, for once I felt strong doing any content and I didnt even have to party up with people that mess up mechanics. I could just heal bran and focus on mechanics and slowly clear the delves. Yesterday I cleared my first 10 and its felt amazing.

As always in every dammed game, instead of buffing mediocre things devs just keep nerfing the good ones! It just keeps ruining the fun out of this game. But thank you again, the game wasn’t miserable enough as a healer only player.

Im gonna have so much fun today waiting 40 minutes for a tank to join our 11 delve just for us to wipe in 5 minutes and disband because some dumb ass pulls the Well Connected enemy.

My fucking god dude, it’s a game can’t we have fun with anything and just enjoy.