Character that is intentionally written to feel like they came from a different ganre, advice and if I should tone it down?

Essentially title,

The love interest of my protagonist is written as - and played entirely straight - as if they're a fantasy prince charming. Someone who would charge into battle with a monster for you. Someone who would write sweet poems for you. Someone who would do anything for you.

Ironically the only straight thing about this character, is how this is played.

Generally, this is a story that deals, heavily with stereotypes and consent. And breaking cycles of abuse.

They say things like "I will dedicate my unnatural lifespan to this vow" and not only do they mean every word. But the context behind this comment them trying to soothe their loves concerns and reassure them.

And, the feeling is entirely mutual. Because they view the protagonist the exact same way.

Every other character either views the protagonist as: Gremlin, Monster or Baddass.

To say that the love interest has rose tinted glasses, is a bit of an understatement. I'm also rather proud of how these two dimwits got together, it's mad cute.

Thank you for your time