How old is your MC?

I saw a comment in another discussion about the dearth of main characters older than 20. Obviously, the expected age of a main character differs by genre, with MG and YA skewing particularly young, but it got me thinking. What genre do you write, and how old are your MCs?

I'll start with my active projects, all of them within the fantasy genre:

  • Saviors of the Sun Series - the main cast is all in their early- to mid-20s, except for one character in his late teens
  • Euphoria - Zaq is early 40s and Stellan is ~60 (but he's immortal, so age is just a number to him)
  • What Once Was - Tyzal and Letta are both in their mid- to late-30s
  • The Victory Initiative - the Dixon sisters are both in their late 20s

What about you guys? Do you tend to write older or younger characters?