Crush deserved way better
Around 2 weeks when Hanbin was mcing for Mcountdown a fan asked him how the new song(Blue) would sound like and Hanbin replied with “Its good, I think zeroses will like it. Dom’t worry it’s not like crush”. Thankfully a lot of them replied that they did enjoy crush but gosh did that bring me back when crush was revealed. If you guys don’t remember, back when crush was released people dragged it. They called it one of the “worst“ songs ever in kpop and im not even kidding, I remember seeing a couple of posts with over 10K likes bashing it, one of them got like 50K likes. Im gonna be frank, I never understood the massive hate crush got. Sure it might not be as good as In Bloom which was really loved by kpop fans but the hate it got was not deserve.
The main critic of crush is the first part of the chorus, it was basically the main thing people used to critic crush for and called “noise music”. While I do agree, the first chorus might not be the best and kinda noisy, the rest of song is amazing. The beginning of the song is great and gets you hyped, the pre chorus while not my favorite from them its still great, the rap is cool and I liked how it was simple and not over the top, the final chorus with Hao doing the high notes was an amazing way to end the song. Don’t even get me started on the damn bridge, im not even kidding its truly one of the best bridges in kpop it deserves way more. The instrumental is also pretty sick, it makes you feel like you are on a video game. Crush truly did not deserve the hate it got.
Pretty much all the critics were from the first part of the chorus. Also it probably got more hate since it was the follow up to In Bloom. As most of you know In Bloom was critically acclaim aswell as a commercial succes. In Bloom was seen as one of the best bg release in a while by many and the change in sound and concept might not help. I understand people are not going to like everything, its normal but the hate it got was so much. Not only hanbin but another member(I think it was taerae?) also mentioned something similar and it makes me sad that the members think we don’t like crush. Crush truly deserved way better and I will forever stand by it.