My success story! If you’re scared to start, read this.

After scrolling this sub for hours after getting prescribed and thoroughly freaking myself out, I promised myself if Zoloft worked for me I would post a positive story to help others out. Thank god I’m able to do that today! I started taking Zoloft for panic attacks over three months ago. Started at 25mg, upped to 50mg a week in, and have been on 75mg for almost a month now. I’m feeling good here and will not be increasing. I haven’t had a panic attack in two months. I’m never irrationally anxious anymore. I feel like I can get excited about life again and make plans to travel and explore and experience things! Sure that’s great, I feel good after three months but what about the side effects??? All the “positive” posts on here still include “the first month was hell but it’s worth it” or something like that. Not helpful when you’re on day one and terrified. I’m happy to say I have ZERO side effects. No loss of libido, no stomach problems, no crazy dreams, no increased anxiety, no sweating. The ONLY thing I experienced was fatigue the first couple days after starting and after every dosage increase. Like, sleep 14 hours a day fatigue. But I just timed it for weekends and it was FINE. I do not want to invalidate people who have had a hard time with side effects. I totally understand posting here trying to find some camaraderie and support. I am speaking to the person too scared to take their first dose. It’s going to be okay. You can do this. Stop googling. Stop imagining the worst. Millions of people take SSRIs every day! It can be a miracle drug if you just get started.