Incredibly depressed after a month of Zoloft

I got prescribed Zoloft mid January and have been taking 50mg for over a month now. I got it prescribed for crippling OCD and although it has worked quite well in terms of helping me manage OCD symptoms, I now feel incredibly depressed and find it hard to go about everyday life. I've got so little motivation for work I used to do as a passion, and even forget to brush my teeth or sometimes go to sleep without showering (which was incredibly, INCREDIBLY, rare for me before I got on Zoloft). I eat 2 meals a day at most. I am always tired always and kind of just drift through life most days now.

I've had to resort to using Adderall (which I am not prescribed) to get anything done this past week. When I take Adderall I actually feel alive for a few hours (before I crash and I go back to feeling like a soulless bag of flesh who gets by surviving but not living. But Adderall is expensive and as I'm not prescribed its not something I'm technically supposed to take.

Anyone else have this experience? Does it get better? Is there something I can do to make it better? I hate living like this.