Is 32 years old as a female too late to start everything from 0 ? (Job, relationship etc.)
What's the likelihood of a 16 month old trying to rip out my earrings?
Millennials What Are Your Thoughts On Modern Dating?
Am I the only one with zero intimacy?
Millennial brethren (and sisters, and anyone who identifies otherwise) were you abused by your parents?
If you have a little boy, what are his favorite things?
Books you refuse to read to your kids?
To my fellow apartment, condo, townhouse, urban and suburban dwellers...
What chore are you drowning in?
How did the trauma shape the way you are?
Are there some Americans who are really as clueless as those history and geography YouTube videos depict?
How do I politely tell my former teammates to stop contacting me about my old department?
What’s your biggest “my brain stopped working” moment during pregnancy or postpartum?
Dear Americans, please put driving distances into perspective for me, please.
What do you all think of bringing babies/toddlers/kids to peaceful protests?
Do you guys remember saying "no homo" as a guy?
I was not “built to birth”
I’ve been told I’ll be tired for the rest of my life…is this true ?
Pls tell me how you prepped this past week
What is something you were foolishly ignorant about before being pregnant/having a baby?
How to help teach a language without imposing certain accents?
Any tips on how to teach a language without fostering an incorrect accent?
How are we keeping calm about measles?
Is it ever ok for MIL to say no when the mom asks for her baby back??
In the morning are you waking up baby?