umm gender neutral honorifics?!?
Lesbian Lolita!!
In which ways are you exactly the same as your 13 year old self?
Getting on my knees and tying her shoes in public
TW: Lesbophobia. This is why as a lesbian i dont trust men and i dont want them as friends
There’s needs to be a Kill a Spider hotline
Being an ace lesbian is so hard.
Recommendations for someone completely new to JPOP?
Requests and Underappreciated Scripts - February 2025
How to deal with the fact that you're physically bigger than your partner, in a world where the media constantly pushes the fem to be smaller than masc counterpart? 🥲
I just can't see you as a Domme anymore
Do i look gay?
I want all the domme femmes (femmedommes, eh???) to know that I appreciate them!
What are the positives/advantages of having ADHD?
Is “it’s always something” ADHD? Does everyone live like this?
I'm a Japanese Teenager. I want to introduce Japanese Bands.
Who do you think is the hottest actress that ever appeared on the show?