Design the most toxic Tera raid possible!
Ninja Team Idea
PM2023 088 - The White Zygarde Causes Shock Waves! Episode Discussion!
Cynthia gastrodon vs Diantha auroras. Who’s stronger ?
Giving Goodra a signature move and slight rework :)
No but how exactly
There should be a case study done on how mistreated Starmie was in the anime, why did the writers hate it? It should of been her ace before she got Gyarados
Why can so many winged Pokemon learn Heat Wave?
What did you use your Masterball(s) on?
Do you think school is mandatory in universe?
PM2023 087 - The Guidance of the Black Rayquaza! Episode Discussion!
Fighting run is painful rn
The best metagame of all time part 2.
If Petilil was in the Sinnoh Pokedex, Will it Evolve into Regular Lilligant or Hisuian Lilligant?
Which Pokemon do you always mistake for being introduced in a different generation?
What mons would you guys recommend for a fighting only nuzlocke?
Z-A probably will have four sets of starters.
Do you think that we’re going to get the Kalos starters like we did the Kanto starters?
Paldea Starters and Pseudo Legendaries 7 Star Raids
No one wants to be that type of trainer
/r/PTCGP Trading Post
Alone in the top
Who is a Bigger Threat to Scout?
Some moves and Ability Buffs I've had on my mind
What are some Pokemon you can think of that don't learn a lot of moves that are the same type as the Pokemon?