How to remove withou breaking it?
day 3 of getting every comment from a US Counties
Day two second skin is dark
Suggestions to make my truck look more aggressive?
WTS ghk ak 105, build in description
WTS Would anyone be interested in the ghk ak105? Considering selling
Would anyone be interested in the ghk ak105? Considering selling for $900 check description
Would anyone be interested in the ghk ak105? Considering selling, asking price $900 check description for details
Would anyone be interested in the ghk ak105? Considering selling
Thoughts on the kit(s)
some kits. what camos y’all run?
Thought this was cool
Best Shooting Bench Ever 🙃
Rate the kit, the ol’ Amazon operator
Is it possible to build a ghillie like this o a budget? (the upper part) 100-150$. All the premade ones are like 300$+. thanks ahead of time!
Self portrait, pencil, me
Sketch of Rick May in my sketchbook
Guy Removes Hornet's Nest With A Backhoe To Disastrous Results
Rate my MK17/ SCAR H
Look this rof, i love ghk!!
The wendigo, by me
The wendigo
Try to set optics on TM AKM
Thoughts on this style I’ve been trying