Need some encouragement!!!
Who are your 3 favorite MCU characters?
How is his drumstick?
Any flavors here not available by you?
Made guacamole today
King Félix’s drumstick is sun roasted
Is this dickriding and if it is- Is that a bad thing?
Has anyone else’s always thought Cap was the one who was in the right?
What are you taking from my gas station?
Whats your least favorite Ball skin
A guide to get your friends into IDP
Is ghost any good?
Say something nice about this version of Venom
New player, played for 2 hours and didnt get a single kill
Does anyone else prefer protagonist Nina and wish someone else was the mole?
First time at the local Del Taco... ...did NOT disappoint. So looong taco bell... dude wheres this been my whole life
Who do you guys think the next big threat after Doom may be?
Work Locker
Give me your favorite song and I’ll rate it.
Biggest “Oh Shit” scene in the MCU?
Mom got me poptarts lip balm with my favorite favorite
What’s Your Top 5 Jarred Salsa?
No caffeine for you lil bro