5 weeks pregnant and cramping
When did you start drinking coffee again!?
High Risk Result on eFTS [on]
I feel like I’m failing my baby
Please tell me it gets better when you enter the 2nd trimester!!
Getting Protein While Feeling Awful?
Positive EFTS waiting in agony for NIPT results [on]
Have you announced your pregnancy on social media?
Is it tacky to throw your own baby shower?
What do you eat?
seriously, what are you hacks for nausea? what works for you?
Things I was NOT prepared for in pregnancy
Gender Disappointment is a true thing.
What's your baby made of today?
Receieved High Risk results for chromosomal abnormalities
What’s the FIRST thing you’re buying for baby?
it’s your first time getting pregnant !what are some things you wish you did differently or knew
Legitimately addicted to private ultrasounds, help! (First tri anxiety)
doesn’t like to eat
What is something you’ve been craving but you can’t have it ?
Funny reasons you have cried.
What were your weirdest pregnancy symptoms before you tested positive?
What’s your favorite drink while pregnant?
What do you hate the smell of since you’ve been pregnant?
MIL making name suggestions after we told her the name we’ve already chosen.