Renovated jailhouse with original architectural elements. Definitely haunted.
What would you do with my prison shower?
The Lipstick Lesbians Course Alternatives & Opinions? MUA needs help.
Recently changed my whole makeup routine. Is it too much now?
This is underneath my sister’s breast. What is this? She is in pain and I see why!
There I fixed it
Camilla Araújo
People over 35, what do you personally spend your expendable income on?
Where to get mine from?
Abandoned farmhouse
Best city for Femdom
sex tourists slaps girl in Philippines
Some kind of little hairs in my Johnsonville sausages 🤢
Wait is it true pple actually gave her money for a camera ?? I FINALLY got someone on my fyp talking about how shady she is, and how could anyone buy skincare from her 🙌🏼😂
Amani and Matt!
How serious should I take this
4-acetoxy-dipt experiences
Seen in random parking lot, Hollywood, FL
Food Stamps Apparently.
Lyricist of the year?
This is GENUINELY so wild to me. How are these giveaways so disgustingly unorganized and unethical that her stans don’t even know if they’ve won or not? It’s so god damn illegal.
Open concept gone too far
Call me a cynic but does anyone else think Monica's red lipstick hunt has been advertising for a MOB beauty collab?
Tomorrow is my birthday and no one knows.
What to do with a large mirror wall?